Seriously guys.  While there’s always a lot to do, I can think of way too many days where I lacked serious motivation, laid down with Murph ‘just for a sec’ (which turns into an hour long nap), or wasn’t nearly as focused on schoolwork as I should have been.  The fact that I make my own schedule (literally all my work asides from baby-sitting and classes is done when I want to, assuming I get it done within a certain time frame) can lead to a pretty sweet situation, but also the need for a lot of structure.  Thanks to my awesome action planning skills from Teach For America, I do a pretty decent job of planning my week and days out, even down to the hours I’m doing what, to make sure it all gets done.

BUT, now that classwork isn’t part of the equation, and I only had four hours of video tagging work to do this week, it’s the perfect chance to catch up on life.  Check out the productivity today…

  • Took the dogs on three walks (totaling about an hour)
  • Went grocery shopping
  • Cleaned the kitchen (like SERIOUSLY cleaned… under all the appliances, removed the stove top, soaked and scrubbed, etc.)
  • Cleaned my desk area (wishing I had taken a before picture so you could understand the size of this task)
  • Cleaned out all my first semester binders/books/folders
  • Baked a two-layer cake (first one ever!)
  • Cleaned out two junk drawers (AND found a missing diamond earring from a year ago!!!  SERIOUS 10.  I lost one at a kickball game, and put the other in my bookbag.  Then, the following week I found the lost one in the dirt at the field, totally by accident, and then could no longer locate the original.  Saddest story ever but it now has a happy ending!!!)
  • Cleaned my room (folded and put away the always growing pile on the floor)
  • Cleaned out my fridge (GROSS… got rid of a bunch of old/moldy food.  No fun.)
  • Cleaned out my car (again, kinda gross.  Left a cooler in there from the trip home from Thanksgiving that still contained food in it…)
  • Made a vegetable lasagna for Will’s 75th birthday celebration tomorrow
  • Made this year’s Smith Family Smackdown t-shirts
  • Finished a couple other home made Christmas gifts (can’t describe in detail, as they might be for people reading…)
  • Wrapped all my Christmas gifts (that’s right, I have completely finished shopping, making and wrapping.  SO different from last year!)
  • Four hours of video tagging
  • Worked out
  • Updated the blog (Yes friends, this counts.  Writing this incredible doesn’t always come easily/quickly.)

I rate this a HUGE 10 as I feel awesome!!!!  Now I’m off to celebrate the end of finals!


  1. Great job! Keep that motivation level up because when you get home, the garage needs smoe serious organization and cleaning.

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